
Progress Report (3)


According to our surveys, I would like to separate the results in three different aspects: politics between China and Taiwan, travel in Taiwan and Taiwan’s stars. These are three different perspectives in forming impression of Taiwan.

For the part of politics, exchanged students from China state that they usually watched CCTV to receive new information about Taiwan which includes daily news report and featured TV programs, Events Between Straits, from CCTV-4. This channel contains a variety of programs including documentaries, music, news, dramas, sports, and cartoons. Also, it covers news and events in Taiwan, Hong-kong and Chinatown around the world. According to the exchanged students, they would find out more about Taiwan’s politics or events mostly in CCTV-4 by news and Events Between Straits, a political talk show. In the news or other featured programs, the anchors claim that Taiwan is a good place with friendly people and they have freedom or perhaps too much freedom for people to talk. And the anchors from Taiwan in the featured programs, Events Between Straits, 尹乃菁 and 江岷欽 have their live talk show from Taiwan as the program broadcast in China. They would state partially the voices of Taiwan; however, not all of them can truthfully represent us. Nevertheless, they somehow in this way communicate with anchors and audiences in China; and this does help these exchanged students form part of their impression of Taiwan. Among these exchanged students, boys tend to have more interest in concerning about the politics in Taiwan while girls don’t. But generally speaking, politics is not the most concern for them.

For travel part, since these exchanged students are taught from books that Taiwan is a Treasured Island, they have had good impression on us since then. The China government has made lots of Travel programs which introduce Taiwan and enhance their good impression by watching these Travel programs. They know from these programs about Taiwan’s geographical scenery, night markets, museum, temples, etc. All of these are triggers for these exchanged students eager to come to Taiwan after we made the policy. Among these students, most of them are more interested in travel rather than politics or stars. Perhaps it is because most of them don’t have much time following news 24 hours or Taiwan’s stars. Most of them care about Taiwan’s culture, scenery and other things that might have relation to their future, such as business of travel, cultural business, etc.

For Taiwan’s stars part, I find that girls are more likely to follow Taiwan’s dramas, movies and songs. They receive this kind of information by watching CCTV-8 or Hunan TV or Internet TV. Since Internet TV is easy to access to it, these China exchanged students always watch Taiwan’s drama and variety show on the Internet, such as ppstream, youku, tudou, youtube, etc. These are quick access for them to know about Taiwan. Take Black & White for example, the drama plays at 9:00~11:00p.m., and on the Internet TV, they can watch them at 11:00p.m. Before they come to Taiwan, these form their impression before they come to Taiwan.


Progress Report (2)

We have two meetings after last Wednesday class(2009/6/3). One was done by 2009/6/4 5:00p.m~7:00p.m; the other was done by 2009/6/5 7:00a.m.~9:30a.m. Besdies, we are supposed to meet this afternoon(2009/6/9).

I. Meeting: 2009/6/4 5:00p.m~7:00p.m

During this meeting, we interviewed a Chinese student in order to revise our Questionnaires. Generally speaking, this meeting is quite successful since the Chinese student was able to answer most questions we asked her except issues about political events. Besides, she provided many other useful information for us to revise our Questionnaires.

The student told us that they can watch Taiwan's TV program in China. What's more, the government does make many programs to introduce Taiwan to people in China. Surprisingly, the China government tell them Taiwan is a good palce where is full of nice people and beautiful scenery. But after she comes to Taiwan, she find that not all the people here are as nice as what the Chinese government has told them. Questionnaires for students from China(second Revised):

II. Meeting:2009/6/5 7:00a.m.~9:30a.m

After the last meeting, we designated each member to translate two to three questions. But we encountered some problems when we translate, so we made another meeting right away in the next day morning. During this meeting, we come up with the following revised Questionnaires. Questionnaires for students from China(the third Revised):


1. 您來自中國哪一省? 您就讀中國哪所大學? 您的主修為何?

a. What province of Mainland China do you come from? b. What university in Mainland China do you study in? c. What is your major?

2. 在中國當地,您最常收看的電視台為何?

What local TV channel do you mostly watch?

3. 您最常收看的電視台中, 是否有播報關於台灣的新聞?

Have these TV channels reported news about Taiwan?

4. 承上題,您對哪一類型的新聞最有興趣?(如政治、經濟或人文等)

Based on the previous question, in what kind of TV news do you take the most interest ? (Politics, economy, culture, etc.)

5. 請問在大陸各地電視台中可以看到哪些台灣製作的電視節目? 例如: 綜藝節目,政論新聞等等…

In Mainland China, what types of TV programs from Taiwan are broadcast in local TV stations? (Variety show; Political talk-show, etc.)

6. 大陸各地電視台所製作的台灣相關節目中,最吸引您的議題為何?

Amongst all the Taiwan-related TV programs produced by local TV companies, what issue appeals to you most?

7.來台之前, 大陸當地電視台如何形塑您對台灣的印象?

Before you come to Taiwan, how do local TV stations form your impression of Taiwan?

8. 您對台灣的新聞媒體印象最深的是什麼? 為什麼?

What is the most impressive part do you find in Taiwan’s news media? Why?

9. 這些印象,在您接觸台灣媒體之後, 有什麼改變?

After you have access to Taiwan’s TV media, what has been changed in your impression of Taiwan?

10. 您對台灣媒體最無法適應的是哪一點?

In your opinion, what is the most difficult part of Taiwan’s TV media to accustom to?

The following questions are for NCU students. We will deliver the Questionnaires to NCU students after we revise the questions based on the results of China exchanged students' answers. Questionnaires for students in NCU(the third Revised):

電視媒體如何形塑台灣學生對中印象 您是台灣哪裡人? 您的主修為何?

a. Where do you come from? b. What is your major?

2. 您最常收看的台灣電視台為何?

What local TV channel do you mostly watch?

3. 您最常收看的電視台中, 是否有播報關於中國的新聞?

Have these TV channels reported news about China?

4. 承上題,您對哪一類型的新聞最有興趣?(如政治、經濟或人文等)

Based on the previous question, in what kind of TV news do you take the most interest ? (Politics, economy, culture, etc.)

5. 請問在台灣各地電視台中可以看到哪些中國製作的電視節目? 例如: 綜藝節目,政論新聞等等… In Taiwan, what types of TV programs from China are broadcast in local TV stations? (Variety show; Political talk-show, etc.)

6. 台灣各個電視台所製作的中國相關節目中,最吸引您的議題為何?

Amongst all the China-related TV programs produced by Taiwan’s TV companies, what issue appeals to you most?

7.來台之前, 台灣當地電視台如何形塑您對中國的印象?

Before you’ve gone to China, how do Taiwan’s TV programs form your impression of China?

8. 您對中國的新聞媒體印象最深的是什麼? 為什麼?

What is the most impressive part do you find in China’s news media? Why?

9. 這些印象,在您接觸中國媒體之後, 有什麼改變?

After you have access to China’s TV media, what has been changed in your impression of China?

10. 您對中國媒體最無法適應的是哪一點?

In your opinion, what is the most difficult part of China’s TV media to accustom to?

Progress Report (1)

Our final project is about how China exchange students and Taiwan students form their impression before they come to China and Taiwan. We make a survey for both China exchange students and NCU students. Since our main impression of China is mainly created by mass media, especially TV. Therefore, we are going to use this survey to find out what we don’t know about the cross strait TV programs. The purpose of this project is to understand the changing of impression after the china exchanged students come to Taiwan. We will ask them to complete the questions and then, based on the questions, we would have an interview with them for more detailed information, and the same for Taiwan’s students.

The following is our first version of questions:


1. 請問您是大陸哪裡人?

2. 請問您平常在大陸收看的電視台為哪些?

3. 請問這些電視台是否曾報到關於台灣的新聞?報導頻率頻繁嗎?什麼類型的報導?政治相關?經濟相關?還是人文或自然景觀相關?請問是否了解台灣電視劇、台灣藝人明星之動向?請問藉由什麼媒介所了解(電視專訪、新聞報導)?是否有進口CD、影集等 台灣媒體(電視節目、新聞及報章雜誌)如何影響你認識台灣?

5. 請問這些電台是否曾製作台灣相關的特別節目?請舉例說明。

6. 請問這些電台是否曾製作台灣旅遊節目?有很多類似的節目嗎?請舉例說明。是否藉由綜藝節目來了解台灣文化?

7. 請問在大陸的電視台中是否可以看到台灣的某些電視節目?哪幾台?

8. 請問是否有在使用網路電視收看電視節目?請問是哪幾個網路電視?

9. 網路電視中(ex: ppstream) 裡面也有台灣的綜藝節目,請問是否收看?

10. 學校課程裡面是否介紹台灣的人文和自然景觀?

11. 是否藉由部落格了解台灣文化?台灣人做的部落格?還是大陸人做的?
請問透過什麼媒介來了解台灣? 1.電台 2.電視 3.網路 4.報章媒體 5.其他
在您使用的平台中,哪一家媒體公司是你最常使用的 該媒體在報導以下議題”ex反分裂國家法”的制定時,所採取的敘述方法是? 您覺得,您對台灣的印象,有讓您選用的媒體媒介所影響嗎? 這些印象,在您親自來台灣後,有改變嗎?

1. 若曾獲得異於官方報導的消息,請問多自何種管道取得?

2. 承上題,影響你對該報導可信度的判斷因素為何?

3. 對台灣的印象多聚焦於哪一部分?

4. 家人如何形塑你的印象建構?

1. 在此之前,你曾經到過台灣媽

2. 來到台灣之後,有沒有跟你想像的台灣有極大反差 乘上題 讓你感到最無法適應的是哪一點