Bamboo Town
Bamboo Town locates on the foothill of Takeng in Taichung. It is a unique restaurant where makes people feel like sitting among Bamboo forest. Most decoration and setting are made of bamboo which makes people feel friendly and warm at the sight of the overall color and atmosphere.
Bamboo Rice
The restaurant not only provides customers a nice place around bamboo to eat, but it also provides customers a bamboo bowl with steamed rice. They peel the bamboo, leaving only a circle of green peel, and craft it in a certain shape as decoration. Steaming the rice with the bamboo bowl opens your appetite. You can excavate all the rice from the bowl and find out the membrane of it. It is the best part and full of nutrition. Beside Bamboo Rice, there are soup, shrimp and Chinese cabbage cooked with the bamboo bowl.

Ribs Marivated with Brown Sauce
Here it also provides cuisines without bamboo. Ribs Marivated with Brown Sauce is the most famous of the restaurant. Take a quick look at this cuisine, you may think that it is full of fat meet. Yet, you are totally wrong. They are in fact ribs that cook for a long time until it turns into the soft and palatable cuisines.
[2009/03/25 0:11] Cloud Clarity: http://weiarethenews.blogspot.com/
回覆刪除[2009/03/25 0:11] Nada Copperfield: reviwer
[2009/03/25 0:11] karikan Kytori: ok
[2009/03/25 0:11] Nada Copperfield: stoyr go
[2009/03/25 0:11] Cloud Clarity: my story is about
[2009/03/25 0:11] Cloud Clarity: a restaurant
[2009/03/25 0:12] Cloud Clarity: at the foothill of 大坑 inTaicung
[2009/03/25 0:12] Cloud Clarity: it's a famous restaurant for its bamboo design
[2009/03/25 0:12] Cloud Clarity: and it's bamboo rice
[2009/03/25 0:13] Cloud Clarity: u can take home the bamboo after eating the bamboo rice
[2009/03/25 0:13] Cloud Clarity: and it also has lots of delicious bamboo cuisines there
[2009/03/25 0:14] Cloud Clarity: but they also have cuisines without bamboo
[2009/03/25 0:14] Jackowacko Juliesse: uh huh
[2009/03/25 0:14] Cloud Clarity: like 紅燒軟骨肉
[2009/03/25 0:15] Cloud Clarity: it's the most famous for the restaurant
[2009/03/25 0:15] Cloud Clarity: let's it= =
[2009/03/25 0:15] Jackowacko Juliesse: hu
[2009/03/25 0:15] Jackowacko Juliesse: uh
[2009/03/25 0:15] Cloud Clarity: i don't have a complete structure this time= =
[2009/03/25 0:15] Jackowacko Juliesse: because of amie??
[2009/03/25 0:16] Nada Copperfield: = =
[2009/03/25 0:16] Cloud Clarity: cuz i have no idea how to organize this topic
[2009/03/25 0:16] Cloud Clarity: not really ==
[2009/03/25 0:16] Cloud Clarity: it's because i don't know what to focus
[2009/03/25 0:16] karikan Kytori: what's the difference between steamed rice and the rice we eat every day?
[2009/03/25 0:16] Cloud Clarity: i went to the restaurant and it is really unique
[2009/03/25 0:16] Cloud Clarity: but lack of concentration
[2009/03/25 0:17] Cloud Clarity: since it has a varitiess of food besides cuisines cooked with bamboo
[2009/03/25 0:17] Cloud Clarity: what can i do~~~~~~~~`
[2009/03/25 0:18] Cloud Clarity: what do u think~reviwer??
[2009/03/25 0:18] Cloud Clarity: ohoh
[2009/03/25 0:18] karikan Kytori: u ignore my question
[2009/03/25 0:18] karikan Kytori: = =
[2009/03/25 0:19] Jackowacko Juliesse: she is princess
[2009/03/25 0:19] Cloud Clarity: steamed rice with "bamboo"
[2009/03/25 0:19] Jackowacko Juliesse: she can ignore every one
[2009/03/25 0:19] Cloud Clarity: QQ
[2009/03/25 0:19] Cloud Clarity: Q_____________________Q
[2009/03/25 0:19] Cloud Clarity: the steamed rice with bamboo smells good= =
[2009/03/25 0:19] Cloud Clarity: and taste different= =
[2009/03/25 0:20] Jackowacko Juliesse: only the smelling?
[2009/03/25 0:20] Cloud Clarity: taste different
[2009/03/25 0:20] Nada Copperfield: princess is depressed now
[2009/03/25 0:20] Nada Copperfield: don't push her
[2009/03/25 0:20] Nada Copperfield: muahuau
[2009/03/25 0:20] karikan Kytori: maybe u could describe that in ur story
[2009/03/25 0:20] Jackowacko Juliesse: hahah
[2009/03/25 0:20] Cloud Clarity: how~~~~~~~~
[2009/03/25 0:20] Cloud Clarity: i tried@@
[2009/03/25 0:20] Nada Copperfield: she's crying now = =
[2009/03/25 0:20] Jackowacko Juliesse: i m sorry
[2009/03/25 0:20] Nada Copperfield: takt it easy pal~
[2009/03/25 0:20] Cloud Clarity: = =
[2009/03/25 0:20] Cloud Clarity: = =
[2009/03/25 0:20] Cloud Clarity: = =
[2009/03/25 0:20] Cloud Clarity: = =
[2009/03/25 0:20] Cloud Clarity: = =
[2009/03/25 0:20] Cloud Clarity: ==
[2009/03/25 0:20] Cloud Clarity: = =
[2009/03/25 0:20] karikan Kytori: crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2009/03/25 0:21] Jackowacko Juliesse: oh~~~~~
[2009/03/25 0:21] Cloud Clarity: I DIDN'T
[2009/03/25 0:21] karikan Kytori: one is crying, the other is burning
[2009/03/25 0:21] Cloud Clarity: I AM NOT
[2009/03/25 0:21] Jackowacko Juliesse: sorry
[2009/03/25 0:21] Nada Copperfield: almost= =
[2009/03/25 0:21] karikan Kytori: what a great contrast
[2009/03/25 0:21] Nada Copperfield: what's the difference = =
[2009/03/25 0:21] Nada Copperfield: = =
[2009/03/25 0:21] Jackowacko Juliesse: lol
[2009/03/25 0:21] Nada Copperfield: iamnot~
[2009/03/25 0:21] Cloud Clarity: muahahhahahaha
[2009/03/25 0:21] Cloud Clarity: have u ever eaten bamboo rice?
[2009/03/25 0:22] Jackowacko Juliesse: yes
[2009/03/25 0:22] Cloud Clarity: i just don't know how to describe how it taste
[2009/03/25 0:23] karikan Kytori: i mean the rice we eat every day is steamed by the electronic steamer
[2009/03/25 0:23] karikan Kytori: in a way, rice is all steamed
[2009/03/25 0:23] Cloud Clarity: oh~
[2009/03/25 0:23] Cloud Clarity: ummmmmmmm
[2009/03/25 0:23] karikan Kytori: maybe u could emphasise the difference
[2009/03/25 0:23] Jackowacko Juliesse: uh huh
[2009/03/25 0:24] Cloud Clarity: @@
[2009/03/25 0:24] Cloud Clarity: ok
[2009/03/25 0:24] Cloud Clarity: i see
[2009/03/25 0:24] Nada Copperfield: @###$$^$#^@
[2009/03/25 0:25] Jackowacko Juliesse: the reviewer?
[2009/03/25 0:25] Jackowacko Juliesse: do u have any comment?
[2009/03/25 0:25] Cloud Clarity: what's the focus of my topic?@@ do u guys has any ideas?
[2009/03/25 0:25] karikan Kytori: i'm the reviewer, right?
[2009/03/25 0:25] Cloud Clarity: yeah
[2009/03/25 0:25] Jackowacko Juliesse: haha
[2009/03/25 0:26] Jackowacko Juliesse: editor?
[2009/03/25 0:26] Jackowacko Juliesse: sotrry
[2009/03/25 0:26] Jackowacko Juliesse: sorry
[2009/03/25 0:26] Nada Copperfield: yes
[2009/03/25 0:26] Nada Copperfield: you are the reviewer
[2009/03/25 0:26] Nada Copperfield: i am the evaluator muahuahau
[2009/03/25 0:26] Nada Copperfield: and iam still reading her story
[2009/03/25 0:27] Nada Copperfield: and thinking the questipon
[2009/03/25 0:27] Cloud Clarity: and i devided my article into small topics...
[2009/03/25 0:27] Second Life: Your object 'Object' has been returned to your inventory lost and found folder by Reuters Maintenance from parcel 'Top News - Reuters discussion area' at Thomson Reuters 172, 99 due to parcel auto return.
[2009/03/25 0:28] Cloud Clarity: 蓬萊米
[2009/03/25 0:28] Cloud Clarity: wait
[2009/03/25 0:28] Nada Copperfield: hey
[2009/03/25 0:28] Nada Copperfield: i am wondering that
[2009/03/25 0:28] Nada Copperfield: is that the steamed rice bamboo differetn from the white rice????
[2009/03/25 0:29] Jackowacko Juliesse: emma= =
[2009/03/25 0:29] Cloud Clarity: in this restaurant it uses 蓬萊米
[2009/03/25 0:29] Cloud Clarity: emma@@
[2009/03/25 0:29] Nada Copperfield: ii see
[2009/03/25 0:29] Mi Shinn: hello
[2009/03/25 0:29] Cloud Clarity: hello~i thought u are busy right now~haha
[2009/03/25 0:30] Cloud Clarity: hey~
[2009/03/25 0:30] karikan Kytori: hi
[2009/03/25 0:30] Nada Copperfield: okay i see haha
[2009/03/25 0:31] karikan Kytori: i think if u devide ur focus into two kinds
[2009/03/25 0:32] Cloud Clarity: umum
[2009/03/25 0:32] Cloud Clarity: what kinds?
[2009/03/25 0:32] karikan Kytori: maybe u could tell us why u choose these two
[2009/03/25 0:32] karikan Kytori: rice and ribs
[2009/03/25 0:32] Cloud Clarity: oh
[2009/03/25 0:32] karikan Kytori: coz u said there r many dishes there
[2009/03/25 0:32] karikan Kytori: why u chose these two
[2009/03/25 0:32] Cloud Clarity: yeah
[2009/03/25 0:32] Cloud Clarity: these two are the most famous
[2009/03/25 0:33] karikan Kytori: ok i c
[2009/03/25 0:33] Nada Copperfield: oh~got it
[2009/03/25 0:33] karikan Kytori: would it be ok if u add that into ur story?
[2009/03/25 0:33] Cloud Clarity: ok
[2009/03/25 0:33] karikan Kytori: i mean these two are most famous
[2009/03/25 0:33] karikan Kytori: so u wrote about them
[2009/03/25 0:34] Cloud Clarity: and if i add one more kind?
[2009/03/25 0:34] Cloud Clarity: cuz they have different vagatables or new dishes in different seasons
[2009/03/25 0:35] Cloud Clarity: but i don't know if i should add that
[2009/03/25 0:35] Cloud Clarity: it sounds like advertising@@
[2009/03/25 0:35] Jackowacko Juliesse: i think it is not necessary
[2009/03/25 0:35] Jackowacko Juliesse: it's my opnion
[2009/03/25 0:35] Jackowacko Juliesse: :)
[2009/03/25 0:35] Nada Copperfield: qhy
[2009/03/25 0:35] Nada Copperfield: why you can explain
[2009/03/25 0:35] Nada Copperfield: let's discuss
[2009/03/25 0:36] Cloud Clarity: u mean add a topic of the dishes in different seasons is not necessary?
[2009/03/25 0:36] Jackowacko Juliesse: yep
[2009/03/25 0:36] Jackowacko Juliesse: it is the news
[2009/03/25 0:37] Cloud Clarity: so...?
[2009/03/25 0:37] Jackowacko Juliesse: u can report they will be different vegetable in each season
[2009/03/25 0:38] Jackowacko Juliesse: but there is no need to repot too detail
[2009/03/25 0:38] Cloud Clarity: oh~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[2009/03/25 0:38] Cloud Clarity: ok
[2009/03/25 0:38] Cloud Clarity: i see
[2009/03/25 0:39] Jackowacko Juliesse: finish?
[2009/03/25 0:39] Nada Copperfield: okay then
[2009/03/25 0:39] Jackowacko Juliesse: next turn?
[2009/03/25 0:39] Nada Copperfield: let me ecluate
[2009/03/25 0:39] karikan Kytori: i think her end is quite abrupt
[2009/03/25 0:39] Nada Copperfield: cloudy
[2009/03/25 0:39] karikan Kytori: son't u think so?
[2009/03/25 0:39] Cloud Clarity: yeah
[2009/03/25 0:39] Nada Copperfield: ja
[2009/03/25 0:39] Cloud Clarity: cuz i don't know how to end this time
[2009/03/25 0:39] karikan Kytori: there should be a conclusion
[2009/03/25 0:39] karikan Kytori: ok, maybe we should figure that out
[2009/03/25 0:39] Cloud Clarity: i have no idea how to invite people to this restaurant
[2009/03/25 0:40] karikan Kytori: is the restaurant in the suburb?
[2009/03/25 0:41] Cloud Clarity: (whenever i think of "writing like advertisement" and i blank)
[2009/03/25 0:41] Cloud Clarity: oh yes
[2009/03/25 0:41] Cloud Clarity: at the foothill of the mountain... in the subuerb
[2009/03/25 0:41] Nada Copperfield: evluate: could your story has no big problem but you should give us the detailed difference of the daily rice and mamboo steam rice; and also the ending is uprup; but basically this story is no big problem
[2009/03/25 0:42] karikan Kytori: i could understand what u worry about "ad"
[2009/03/25 0:42] Nada Copperfield: any problem to addto ????
[2009/03/25 0:42] karikan Kytori: coz i wrote about a restaurant this time
[2009/03/25 0:42] karikan Kytori: i worry about that too
[2009/03/25 0:42] Cloud Clarity: 一"一 see, u know what i mean
[2009/03/25 0:42] Cloud Clarity: ohoh
[2009/03/25 0:42] Cloud Clarity: haha
[2009/03/25 0:42] Jackowacko Juliesse: uh huh
[2009/03/25 0:42] Cloud Clarity: so next one
[2009/03/25 0:42] Cloud Clarity: hahahhaah
[2009/03/25 0:42] Nada Copperfield: okay then one more basically this story is not ad at all,
[2009/03/25 0:43] Cloud Clarity: thx
[2009/03/25 0:43] Cloud Clarity: so much
[2009/03/25 0:43] Nada Copperfield: okay finish??
[2009/03/25 0:43] Cloud Clarity: XDDDDDDDDD
Through the discussion, we conclude some problem with Olivia’s news. Meanwhile, we provided some comment so that Olivia could revise the news. The news is reporting about the tourist attraction “Takeng”. Takeng is famous for its prosperity of bamboo. There is a special food called Bamboo rice. Olive introduces the cuisine basically, however, we all think that she could portray the distinction between the rice we cook with the electronic steamer at home and the rice she presented. Moreover, we suggest that she describe the savor of bamboo rice deeply. In her paragraph, she only depicts how the container looks like.
In last paragraph, Olivia made the same mistake which she made last article. The ending is too abrupt. It did not have the completed structure and the sentence is also fractal. Maybe she can utilize some transition so as to compose the entire paragraph.
In conclusion, we all have the opinion that there is not any big problem of the news. If only she revise the problem and nuance mistake.
Actually...i did complete my last article =="
回覆刪除I am not making the same mistake~~~Q_____________Q
My problem last time was that i made paradoxical sentences...