Making trouble in Second Life
Sex places are always crowed with people whenever one log in the Second Life. People enjoy

A woman named Jane would love to wear the biggest “banana” in SL love places!
If you are the frequent guest to sex places, you may meet her there if you are lucky enough. Jane hates sex places and she hates people who only want to be naked or fucked or listen to dirty talks in those places. Therefore, she gets a plan to disturb this place every now and then. A suit of banana will do!
She wears the banana suit and comes to these places. Instead of making pants or screaming (which people usually make when having sex), she choose to make monkey voices or singing songs in these places to disturb people having sex. “Yo~~see I got the bigggggggggggest banana~~do you want to have sex with me~?” Jane yelled in the sex place, making lots of noises to distract people’s attention. People there might not really care about her disturbing; however, those who are looking for a place to enjoy being naked or fucked get angry. They leave the places at once when they see Jane is there yelling, screaming or even dancing like an escort. Well, a banana escort, never seen one before?
Writer: Olivia
回覆刪除Editor: Jason
Reviewer: Alan
Organizer: Dana
This article is about a avtar who weara banana suit doing tricks in sex places. People might enjoy equipping pennies in SL, but they might not have seen a big banana that try to annoy people away.
The both the reviewer and editor think that some grammatical errors, but the writer can later find these errors herself. And the reviewer also recommends writer to change the subtitle since it is vague. And the writer also needs to add quotation mark since the story is about that avatar not the writer herself. The organizer also has a suggestion about the last paragraph which is ended abruptly.
[1:13] karikan Kytori: come back la
回覆刪除[1:13] Cloud Clarity: Alan is the organizer
[1:13] karikan Kytori: computer crashed
[1:13] Nada Copperfield: 溝
[1:13] karikan Kytori: ok
[1:13] Cloud Clarity: ohoh my fault- -
[1:13] Cloud Clarity: alan is reviewer
[1:13] karikan Kytori: ok
[1:13] Nada Copperfield: = =
[1:13] Cloud Clarity: my news is about a girl who wear banana in the sex place to annoy people there
[1:14] karikan Kytori: jacko is editor
[1:14] Nada Copperfield: URL
[1:14] Nada Copperfield: bitte
[1:14] Jackowacko Juliesse: If you are the frequent guest to sex places, you may meet her there if you are lucky enough. If you are the frequent guest to sex places, you may meet her there if you are lucky enough. If you are the frequent guest to sex places, you may meet her there if you are lucky enough. If you are the frequent guest to sex places, you may meet her there if you are lucky enough. If you are the frequent guest to sex places, you may meet her there if you are lucky enough. If you are the frequent guest to sex places, you may meet her there if you are lucky enough. If you are the frequent guest to sex places, you may meet her there if you are lucky enough. If you are the frequent guest to sex places, you may meet her there if you are lucky enough. If you are the frequent guest to sex places, you may meet her there if you are lucky enough. If you are the frequent guest to sex places, you may meet her there if you are lucky enough.
[1:14] Jackowacko Juliesse: If you are the frequent guest to sex places, you may meet her there if you are lucky enough.
[1:14] Cloud Clarity:
[1:14] Jackowacko Juliesse: If you are the frequent guest to sex places, you may meet her there if you are lucky enough.
[1:14] Nada Copperfield: what
[1:14] Jackowacko Juliesse: the sen. is weird
[1:15] Jackowacko Juliesse: the transisiotn
[1:15] Hanna Banana Gift Egg: Enjoy your Easter Prezzie! =)
[1:15] Cloud Clarity: ○°•.¸Happy Easter!¸.•°○
[1:15] Jackowacko Juliesse: ?
[1:15] Cloud Clarity: no ~ it's accident
[1:15] Nada Copperfield is Offline
[1:16] Jackowacko Juliesse: lol
[1:16] Nada Copperfield is Online
[1:16] Cloud Clarity: i just waht to say that
[1:17] Cloud Clarity: if u often meet sex places, you may find the girl wearing banana there
[1:17] Jackowacko Juliesse: cloud
[1:17] Cloud Clarity: but if u think it is werird, i could change the sentece
[1:17] Jackowacko Juliesse: u r so ccute
[1:18] Jackowacko Juliesse: double if let me feel weird
[1:18] Jackowacko Juliesse: sorry
[1:18] Cloud Clarity: organizer remember take pic hahahah
[1:18] Nada Copperfield: i want URL again
[1:18] Cloud Clarity:
[1:18] Jackowacko Juliesse: haha
[1:19] karikan Kytori: grammatical error: whenever one logs in
[1:19] Cloud Clarity: ohohoh
[1:19] Jackowacko Juliesse: whoever
[1:19] Jackowacko Juliesse: QQ
[1:19] Cloud Clarity: ok i will check it
[1:19] Jackowacko Juliesse: okay
[1:20] Nada Copperfield is Offline
[1:20] karikan Kytori: no, i mean log"s" in
[1:20] Jackowacko Juliesse: oh
[1:20] Nada Copperfield is Online
[1:20] Hanna Banana Prize Chairs: Hello Cloud Clarity, click ME to see the Camping Menu
[1:20] Jackowacko Juliesse: the grammartical error may revise by yourself
[1:21] Cloud Clarity: k
[1:22] Cloud Clarity: any idea aboout my article?
[1:22] Nada Copperfield: i luv your title
[1:22] Nada Copperfield: coool
[1:22] Nada Copperfield: and
[1:22] Nada Copperfield: sexy
[1:23] Nada Copperfield: oooops
[1:23] karikan Kytori: why does she care sex in SL?
[1:23] karikan Kytori: it's not real after all
[1:23] Cloud Clarity: i don't know about that
[1:23] karikan Kytori: is she a puritan?
[1:23] Cloud Clarity: i didn't ask her
[1:23] karikan Kytori: ok
[1:23] Jackowacko Juliesse: lol
[1:24] Cloud Clarity: she just feel those people who rushes here for sex r boring
[1:24] karikan Kytori: i think ur subtitle needs some revision
[1:24] karikan Kytori: do u really think she's making trouble?
[1:24] Cloud Clarity: and she thinks that a place wehre ppl should be naked and if she wear a lot
[1:24] Cloud Clarity: migh also annoy pepl
[1:24] Nada Copperfield: logs in
[1:25] Nada Copperfield: not log in
[1:25] Cloud Clarity: she say she mean to make trouble
[1:25] Cloud Clarity: haah
[1:25] Cloud Clarity: but what do u think
[1:25] Cloud Clarity: i can revise
[1:25] Jackowacko Juliesse: for somepeople she might be the trouble
[1:25] Cloud Clarity: if u think its' not appropriate
[1:25] Jackowacko Juliesse: the news wants to attract someone to read
[1:25] Jackowacko Juliesse: so theat she said the trouble
[1:25] karikan Kytori: and the title " I have".....
[1:26] karikan Kytori: but ur story is about her
[1:26] karikan Kytori: not u urself
[1:26] Hanna Banana Prize Chairs: Cloud Clarity, thank you for camping...
[1:26] Cloud Clarity: ohho that word i have....
[1:26] Cloud Clarity: ummmmmmmm
[1:26] Jackowacko Juliesse: i think the trouble is not the big problem
[1:26] Cloud Clarity: i just quoated her words
[1:27] karikan Kytori: then what about adding " "?
[1:27] Rubber Ducky Toy [with Squeeker] whispers: Drop me on the ground, don't attach me to your body.
[1:27] karikan Kytori: make it a quotation
[1:27] Cloud Clarity: ohoh
[1:27] Jackowacko Juliesse: Jane said that?
[1:27] Cloud Clarity: ok
[1:28] There is no suitable surface to sit on, try another spot.
[1:28] Jackowacko Juliesse: so u put the quotation
[1:28] Nada Copperfield: well.....
[1:28] Nada Copperfield: the last paragraph..........
[1:29] Nada Copperfield: a littlbe bit.....
[1:29] Nada Copperfield: abrupt????
[1:31] karikan Kytori: hey, people there might not care about her disturbing
[1:31] karikan Kytori: then why they get angry?
[1:31] Nada Copperfield: okay ........
[1:32] Cloud Clarity: some of them get angy
[1:32] karikan Kytori: ok
[1:32] Nada Copperfield: i mean.... the last oparagraph and the last sentence......
[1:32] Nada Copperfield: a littlbe bit.....abrupt
[1:32] Cloud Clarity: People there might not really care about her disturbing; however, those who are looking for a place to enjoy being naked or fucked get angry.
[1:33] Cloud Clarity: do these sentences not coherent?
[1:33] Cloud Clarity: They leave the places at once when they see Jane is there yelling, screaming or even dancing like an escort. Well, a banana escort, never seen one before?
[1:33] karikan Kytori: for me, people and those who are the same
[1:33] Cloud Clarity: the ending is ...... really needs revise
[1:33] Jackowacko Juliesse: ignore her
[1:33] karikan Kytori: not specific
[1:33] Cloud Clarity: any suggestions
[1:34] karikan Kytori: god\
[1:34] Nada Copperfield: ooooooooooooops
[1:34] karikan Kytori: nada gets naked
[1:34] Cloud Clarity: taek pic
[1:34] Cloud Clarity: take pic
[1:34] Nada Copperfield: lol
[1:34] Cloud Clarity: hahahahahha
[1:34] Jackowacko Juliesse: haha
[1:34] karikan Kytori: go to sex land
[1:34] karikan Kytori: not here
[1:34] karikan Kytori: not a good place here
[1:34] Nada Copperfield: oooops
[1:35] karikan Kytori: what do u mean"escort"?
[1:35] Nada Copperfield: hey
[1:35] Nada Copperfield: oka
[1:35] Nada Copperfield: you first Alan
[1:35] Cloud Clarity: that's .....
[1:35] karikan Kytori: me?
[1:36] karikan Kytori: what?
[1:36] Cloud Clarity: 跳鋼管
[1:36] Cloud Clarity: so denacing like escort
[1:36] Nada Copperfield: hey
[1:36] karikan Kytori: nada has sth to say?
[1:37] Nada Copperfield: only want to be naked or fucked or listen
[1:37] Nada Copperfield: this one
[1:37] karikan Kytori: too many or?
[1:37] Absolut vodka whispers: thanks
[1:37] Nada Copperfield: noooo
[1:38] karikan Kytori: then?
[1:39] Jackowacko Juliesse: what's that
[1:39] Nada Copperfield: the listen one
[1:39] Nada Copperfield: and the be naked and be fucked
[1:39] Cloud Clarity: rabbit
[1:39] Cloud Clarity: hey~~
[1:39] Cloud Clarity: any idea~~
[1:39] Belle Belle -Glass of Champagne whispers: Aaaaahhh! The perfect drink for passion
[1:40] Nada Copperfield: okay it;'s okay
[1:40] karikan Kytori: where is rabbit?
[1:40] Tropical Drink whispers: Enjoy!
[1:40] Cloud Clarity: i detach
[1:40] karikan Kytori: a frequent guest, not the frequent
[1:41] Cloud Clarity: ohohh
[1:41] Cloud Clarity: ok
[1:41] karikan Kytori: no more ideas from me
[1:41] Nada Copperfield: i mean
[1:41] Nada Copperfield: the be naked and be fuckend
[1:41] Nada Copperfield: but the listen one
[1:41] Jackowacko Juliesse: no
[1:41] Nada Copperfield: suddently you change the verb into ......
[1:41] Jackowacko Juliesse: where is ur hais
[1:41] Jackowacko Juliesse: haie
[1:42] Jackowacko Juliesse: hair
[1:42] Jackowacko Juliesse: next one
[1:42] Jackowacko Juliesse: ?
[1:42] Nada Copperfield: alright
[1:42] Jackowacko Juliesse: who
[1:42] Jackowacko Julie