A DJ with a microphone makes SL real!

I never expected to meet a DJ in a SL club. I used to think that a “DJ ball” was a system for SL avatar to play as if he were a DJ. Yet, I found out I was wrong when I met the DJ Michael Skosh. He let me know that music in SL sometimes still needs a REAL person to carry out.
I accidentally met Michael when I joined a club party. Music there was playing as all other clubs; but suddenly I noticed that there was something different. At the interval of different songs I heard a soft, charming and steady voice coming out of my earphones. His voice was so professional that I first thought that it was a radio broadcast. However, I found out later that it was NOT from a radio. It was the DJ who was talking to us! And what’s more, he was once a real DJ in 80’s in the US!
Michael really enjoyed being a DJ. While chatting with me, he was sitting in front of his computer, monitoring it and introducing songs to the whole clubs. His voice made the SL much real. It was just like listening to radios where you might have a chance to order songs you like. His amusing introduction of each song made people laugh and build up an excited atmosphere for the SL club. Dancing in SL no longer bores me since I can not only watch the system activate my avatar but also expect to listen to more interesting addressing for each song!